Photos Visit of Václav Malý Visit of Václav Malý Screening of Pelíšky Velehrad, Barnes Velehrad, Barnes In Memory of Father Jan Lang In Memory of Father Jan Lang Antonín Stáně and the Czech Ambassador H.E. Libor Sečka Czech School at Velehrad Czech School at Velehrad In Memory of Father Jan Lang Cardinal Dominik Duka in London Maria Assumpta Chapel Velehrad Community R.I.P. COUNT JOSEPH CZERNIN 9.8.1924 – 13.4.2015 VISIT OF CARDINAL DOMINIK DUKA AND GENERAL VLASTIMIL PICEK AND COLLEAGUES, MAY 2012 WITH THE CZECH CARDINAL DOMINIK DUKA, MONS TOMAS HOLUB, MGR VOJTECH MATL FROM PRAGUE AND TONY AND Ludmila STANE AND MARTA JANITOROVA, COLLEAGUES FROM VELEHRAD LONDON CHARITY, MAY 2014 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WITH CZECH AND SLOVAKS OCT 2014 PALM SUNDAY 2014 MASS AT MARIA ASSUMPTA CHAPEL WITH THE CZECH BISHOP VACLAV MALY, NOV 2014 WITH BISHOP VACLAV MALY, NOV 2014 Mr and Mrs Czernin with Marta Tomsky President Vaclav Havel and Father Jan Lang 1. The courtyard of the historical Charles University (1347) in Prague. The coffin with PalachÕs body lays next to the the statue of Jan Hus a Czech scholar who was burned by the Catholic Church during the reformation. University dignitaries surround the coffin while people press closer to pay their respects. Palach was buried in PragueÕs OLSANY cemetery, but his grave was visited by such large crowds that the secret police exhumed the body, cremated it and returned the ashes to his mother in the village of Vsetaty, where it was not allowed to be buried until 1974.The grave then became a pilgrimage for dissidents on the anniversary of his death; though each year the secret police arrested people there. Jan Palach was a twenty year old student of Philosophy in Prague when the Russians invaded Czechosolvakia in August 1968. By January of 1969, he and a group of student friends felt that that nation needed re-awakening’ from the fatelistic lethagy that had set in following the invasion. They decided that one of them would set himself on fire as their way of protest. To choose they picked matches, Jan Palach, as they say in Englished picked the short straw. 3. The funeral procession through the streets of Prague. Jan Palach was a twenty year old student of Philosophy in Prague when the Russians invaded Czechosolvakia in August 1968. By January of 1969, he and a group of student friends felt that that nation needed re-awakening’ from the fatelistic lethagy that had set in following the invasion. They decided that one of them would set himself on fire as their way of protest. To choose they picked matches, Jan Palach, as they say in Englished picked the short straw. 4.The funeral procession through the streets of Prague. Jan Palach was a twenty year old student of Philosophy in Prague when the Russians invaded Czechosolvakia in August 1968. By January of 1969, he and a group of student friends felt that that nation needed re-awakening’ from the fatelistic lethagy that had set in following the invasion. They decided that one of them would set himself on fire as their way of protest. To choose they picked matches, Jan Palach, as they say in Englished picked the short straw.